We are graduate students from different universities!
The first InSight Research Symposium originated at the University of the Pacific, and it continues to grow and develop each year with the patient guidance from Dr. Xiaoling Li and the effort from all graduate students.
The 5th Annual InSight Symposium: Pharmaceutical Sciences Across Borders is an entirely student-planned symposium focused on providing the opportunity for students and faculty to share their research and encourage inter-university collaborations.
2021 InSight Symposium is collaboratively organized entirely by students at several universities:
University of Pacific (UOP; Stockton, CA);
Touro University California (Vallejo, CA);
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU; Richmond, VA);
China Pharmaceutical University (CPU; Nanjing, China);
Fudan University (Shanghai, China);
Sichuan University (Sichuan, China).
Student, faculty and guest lectures will cover a range of topics from target and biomarker identification to clinical translation of novel therapeutics, and will highlight recent advancements in the fields of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, transporter sciences, clinical pharmacology, formulations and drug delivery.
The InSight Symposium provides the unique opportunity for a diverse group of talented, multi-national students and faculty to collaborate on current challenges in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, as well as interact with invited industry speakers. The objectives of InSight are to educate, foster inter-university collaborations, and provide networking opportunities.